WEBINAR: European Commission Proposal for an EU Pay Transparency Directive

April 20, 2021, Tuesday Online Webinar

Earlier this month, the European Commission published a proposal for an EU Directive on Pay Transparency. Some of the provisions of the proposal include:

  • Right for workers to receive information (on request) on individual pay level and the average pay levels, broken down by sex, for categories of workers doing the same work or work of equal value as them.
  • Reporting obligation for companies with more than 250 employees on pay gap between male and female workers, also making the information public and providing it to the workers and their representatives. However, there is also a possibility for EU Member States to compile the information themselves, e.g. based on administrative data, which could reduce the burden, so the latter is something definitely worth pursuing.
  • Where the reporting highlights a pay gap of at least 5% and when the employer cannot justify the gap on objective gender-neutral factors, an obligation for the employer to carry out a detailed pay assessment, in cooperation with workers’ representatives.
  • Information on pay to be provided in job adverts or provided to candidates before the interview.

The Malta Business Bureau is organising a webinar to provide more information about this new EU proposal, which is also presented in the context of addressing the gender pay gap.

European Commissioner, Helena Dalli will be key note speaker and reactions by social partners will follow. Participants will also have the opportunity to put forward comments or questions.

The webinar is taking place on Tuesday, 20th April (09.15-10.30hrs). A Zoom link will be provided to registered participants.

For registration please send an email to info@mbb.org.mt.

Event Speaker:

Helena Dalli

European Commissioner

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